Archie Battersbee Accident: Inside 12-Year-Old Accident And Court Ruling

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Archie Battersbee Accident: Archie Battersbee’s accident case has gone viral when his family filed an appeal against the court’s decision. This article goes into much detail about his accident.

Archie Battersbee suffered catastrophic brain injuries during an incident at home in April, according to the BBC. Doctors and his family have battled in court over his treatment since then, fighting a judgment that would see his life support turned off.

The High Court judge rejected Archie’s death based on MRI scan results after the June 13th hearing, and his treatment could be halted. As a result, his family plans to petition the Court of Appeal to have the judgment reconsidered.

Archie Battersbee was an active young boy keen on mixed martial arts and gymnastics before he suffered the accident.

Archie Battersbee Accident: Inside 12-Year-Old Accident And Court Ruling

On April 7, 2022, his mother, Hollie Dance, found Archie Battersbee unconscious after an incident at their home in Southend, Essex. Hollie revealed the reason for the accident might be his online challenges.

After his accident at home, Archie was taken to Southend Hospital and referred to The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel, where he remains in a coma.

After the appeal, two specialists tried to administer brain stem function tests. Regrettably, they could not conduct the test as Archie did not respond to a peripheral nerve stimulation test, a precursor to the brain stem test.

What Happened To Archie Battersbee?

At the end of a final hearing, the judge ruled that Archie had died on the day of his MRI scan on May 31st, and his life support treatment could stop.

Subsequent hearings have taken place since the tests to determine whether Archie’s life-support treatment should continue or discontinue.

His family said they had seen signs of life from Archie and that doctors had not listened to their concerns and are supported by the Christian Legal Centre campaigning organisation.

Even doctors treating Archie told the High Court that he was brain-stem dead following scan results and asked the court to consider ordering to discontinue his life support.

Why Are Archie Battersbee’s Mother And Family Seeking Appeal Against Court Ruling?

According to BBC reports, doctors told Archie’s family that his brain damage was so significant that he may be brain stem dead after being transferred to the Royal London Hospital in east London, run by Barts Health NHS Trust.

Doctors conducted a brain stem death test, but Archie’s family denied consent leading the trust to bring a case to the High Court in London for permission for the test to be carried out.

In subsequent hearings, lawyers representing the trust had asked the judge to decide what moves were in Archie’s best interests.

His parents, Hollie Dance and Paul Battersbee argued their son needs more time to heal.

Following the ruling of June 13th, Alistair Chesser, chief medical officer at Barts Health NHS Trust, consoled his mother and other family members.
